Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Last updated: 7/1/2020

Information Collection And Use

We, at Cyugle, collect basic information about visitors to our website. This includes standard web log data such as IP addresses, browser details, timestamps, and referring pages. None of this information personally identifies you. We collect this data for routine administration and maintenance purposes.

Cookies and Web Beacons

We use cookies to enhance your browsing experience by storing preferences and history. These cookies help us provide personalized content. Additionally, our advertising partners and other third parties may employ cookies, scripts, or web beacons to track visitors on our site for advertising and other purposes. Please note, these third-party services operate under their own privacy policies.

Google Advertising

Google, Inc. and affiliated companies may use cookies to tailor ads based on your visits to our site and others using Google advertising services. To learn how to opt-out of Google’s cookie usage, refer to Google’s privacy policies.

Changes To This Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy is effective as of 7/01/2020. Any future changes to this policy will be posted on this page immediately.

Contact Us

Should you have any queries regarding this Privacy Policy, please visit our Contact Page.