HTML Tutorial || Basic Tags

HTML - Basic Tags

A HTML page is built using tags, A tag is a command on a web page that tells the browser to do something. Tags are enclosed in less than (<) and greater than (>) signs. An example of a tag is <html> which you will learn below.

  • All HTML tags must enclosed within < > these brackets.
  • Every tag in HTML performs different tasks.
  • If you have used an open tag <tagname>, then you must use a close tag </tagname>

<p> Paragraph Tag </p>

<h1> Heading Tag </h1>

<h2> Heading Tag </h2>

<b> Bold Tag </b>

<i> Italic Tag </i>

<u> Underline Tag</u>

<!-- -->apply comment in an HTML document.
<!DOCTYPE>specify the version of HTML
<a>creates a hyperlink or link.
<abbr>defines an abbreviation for a phrase or longer word.
<address>defines the author's contact information
<area>defines the area of an image map.
<article>defines the self-contained content.
<aside>defines content aside from main content. Mainly represented as sidebar.
<audio> embed sound content in HTML document.
<b>make a text bold.
<base> defines the base URL for all relative URL within the  document.    
<blockquote>define a content which is taken from another source.               
<body> define the body section of an HTML document.
<br>apply single line break.
<button>represent a clickable button
<canvas>provide a graphics space within a web document. 
<caption>define a caption for a table.
<center>align the content in center. 
<code>display a part of programming code in an HTML  document.  
<data>link the content with the machine-readable translation.
<datalist>provide a predefined list for input option.
<del>defines a text which has been deleted from the document.
<details>defines additional details which user can either view or hide.       
<div>defines a division or section within HTML document.
<dl>define a description list.
<dt>define a term in description list
<em>emphasis the content applied within this element.
<embed>embedded container for external file/application/media, etc.                  
<fieldset> group related elements/labels within a web form.
<figcaption>add a caption or explanation for the <figure> element.
<figure> define the self-contained content, and s mostly refer  as single unit.    
<font>defines the font, size, color, and face for the content.
<footer>defines the footer section of a webpage.
<form>define an HTML form.
<frame>particular area of webpage which can contain another HTML file.        
<frameset>defines group of Frames
<h1> to <h6>headings for an HTML document from level 1 to level 6.
<head>head section of an HTML document.
<header>   header of a section or webpage.
<hr>apply thematic break between paragraph-level elements.
<html> It represents root of an HTML document.
<i> represent a text in some different voice.
<iframe>It defines an inline frame which can embed other content.
<img> insert an image within an HTML document.
<input> It defines an input field within an HTML form.
<ins>It represent text that has been inserted within an HTML document.
<label>It defines a text label for the input field of form.
<legend> It defines a caption for content of <fieldset>
<li>   represent items in list.
<link>It represents a relationship between current document and an external resource.                                               
<main>It represents the main content of an HTML document.
<map>It defines an image map with active areas.
<mark>It represents a highlighted text.
<marquee> scrolling text or an image
<meta>defines metadata of an HTML document.
<meter>defines scalar measurement with known range or fractional value.
<nav> represents section of page to represent navigation links.
<object> embed an object in HTML file.
<ol>  defines an ordered list of items.
<optgroup> group the options of a drop-down list.
<option>define options or items in a drop-down list.
<table>present data in tabular form or to create a table within HTML document.
<tbody>represents the body content of an HTML table and used along with <thead> and <tfoot>.
<td>define cells of an HTML table which contains table data
<template>contain the client side content which will not display at time of page load and may render later using JavaScript.
<textarea>Specifies a text area
<tfoot>footer content of an HTML table.
<th>head cell of an HTML table.
<thead>header of an HTML table. It is used along with <tbody> and <tfoot> tags.
<time>define data/time within an HTML document.
<title>defines the title or name of an HTML document.
<tr>defines the row cells in an HTML table
<track>define text tracks for <audio> and <video> elements.
<tt>define teletype text.
<u>render enclosed text with an underline.
<ul>unordered list of items.
<var>defines variable name used in mathematical or programming context.
<video>embed a video content with an HTML document
<wbr>defines a position within text where break line is possible.
<xmp>Deprecated. Specifies preformatted text